2022.11.02 The Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua {Jesus} Created by James on 11/5/2022 11:33:16 AM The truth about Yahooshua, who is mistakenly widely called “Jesus”, is complex. I have written widely on this topic over the years, see for example the Article on “The Miracle of Yahooshua’s Death” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-yahooshua-jesus as two important recent examples
2022.11.02 The Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua {Jesus}
The truth about Yahooshua, who is mistakenly widely called “Jesus”, is complex. I have written widely on this topic over the years, see for example the Article on “The Miracle of Yahooshua’s Death” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-yahooshua-jesus as two important recent examples.
As I have written before on 12th March 1993 the Almighty Creator spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that he was real and I turned back to serving Him. At that time I was introduced to a Charismatic Christian Church by the man Father directed me to contact and because Father had sent me to this man and he had taken me to this church I took on board everything this church was teaching. I immediately assumed that they were teaching ALL truth. They were teaching that “Jesus is God”, “The Bible is the Word of God and without Error”, etcetera. I took all of these teachings on board wholeheartedly and energetically.
Eventually, in 2001 after a series of fasts seeking truth Father taught me that the name of the Prophet of Nazareth was NOT Jesus but Yahooshua and subsequently he said to me that “Yahooshua is NOT me, he is a man”. He gave me various references to substantiate this but it took me the best part of the next ten years to internalize this, adjust to it and take it fully on-board. Since then I have come to increasingly understand the complexities and the negative impact of the wrong beliefs about Jesus, the Trinity, etcetera. In this process I also learned that the Christian Church and, indeed, ALL human organizations purporting to serve the Creator, are in MASSIVE error.
A few weeks ago I wrote an article on “The Five Big Lies about Jesus” https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-five-big-lies-about-jesus which lists the key points of the errors around Jesus and WHY people mistakenly believe that “Jesus is God” and is the Almighty in the human form. As a counterpoint to that article this article examines the other side of the coin, the “Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua {NOT Jesus}”:
- Truth 1 -- Name = Yahooshua NOT Jesus
- Truth 2 -- Firstborn of Creation
- Truth 3 -- Created human – Son of Adam and Son of Yah
- Truth 4 -- Anointed -- filled with Spirit of Yah
- Truth 5 -- Lived Life without sin and that gave him power over the Satanic and Demonic
- Truth 6 -- Offering for sin
- Truth 7 -- First born from the dead -- massive authority, powers, etcetera
- Truth 8 -- Prophetic actions enabled various legal powers and other authorities
- Truth 9 -- Seated at Right Hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool so that he can return as King in 3003
These points are discussed in more detail below:
- Truth 1 -- Name = Yahooshua NOT Jesus
See the webpage “The TRUE name of the prophet from Nazareth is "Yahooshua" NOT "Jesus"” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/-yahooshua-not-jesus
It is vital to understand that it is an insult to call him “Jesus” and that his true name is “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is Salvation” where “Yah” is the TRUE Name of the Almighty Creator.Clearly since his name references Yah he is NOT Yah!
- Truth 2 -- Firstborn of Creation
It is important to understand that the Spirit being who came to Earth in the body of the man, Yahooshua of Natzareth, the son of Miriam and thereby Son of Adam was the FIRST Spirit Being that Yah created at the commencement of the Creation process. So the Spirit that became Yahooshua was there as Executive Assistant / Chief Operating Officer / Right Hand Man of the Almighty throughout the Creation process. He came to Earth at times as “The Messenger of Yah” {The Angel of the LORD} and “The Captain of the Host”. For convenience I will refer to this Spirit Being as “Yahooshua” at all times although this was NOT his name at that time.
At the time that Hillel (now Satan) rebelled and challenged Yah to The Contest – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-rules-of-engagement-contest -- and was cast down to Earth – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-my-message-re-history-our-world-today -- to become Satan and then Adam rebelled, ate the forbidden fruit and thereby made mankind servants of Satan and made Satan “God of this World” (mighty one of this world) it became apparent that something needed to be done if Yah was to have any hope of winning The Contest. Yah and Yahooshua sat down and developed a plan to turn the situation around. This plan ran over thousands of years and culminated with the coming to Earth of Yahooshua in the human body formed in the womb of Miriam {Mary}, living a sinless life and dying on the stake to defeat Satan and provide a simple offering for sin that is available to every Believer at ANY time.
The KEY point here is that the Spirit Being that became Yahooshua was the FIRSTBORN OF CREATION! He was therefore highly knowledgeable and knew exactly what he had to do in order to accomplish his mission which was to die on a Stake {Cross} and shed his blood onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
- Truth 3 -- Created human – Son of Adam and Son of Yah
In considering Yahooshua it is vital to recognize that he is NOT the Almighty, Yahooshua was and is 100% human – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-five-big-lies-about-jesus He was conceived by a Creative Miracle in the Fallopian Tube of Miriam that is LESS of a miracle than the miracle of the creation of Adam from the Dust of the Earth (Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 15:47) and the creation of Chavah {Eve} from the rib of Adam (Genesis 2:22):
Re Adam see Genesis 1:26 to 31 “26 Then the Almighty {God} said, “Let me (make man in my image, according to my likeness; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle, and over the entire earth, and over everything that creeps and crawls on the earth.” 27 So the Almighty {God} created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of the Almighty He created him; male and female He created them. 28 And the Almighty blessed them [granting them certain authority] and said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subjugate it [putting it under your power]; and rule over (dominate) the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living thing that moves upon the earth.” 29 So the Almighty said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of the entire earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30 and to all the animals on the earth and to every bird of the air and to everything that moves on the ground--to everything in which there is the breath of life--I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so [because He commanded it]. 31 The Almighty saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good and He validated it completely. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.” (Amplified Bible with adjustments).
1 Corinthians 15:47 “The first man [Adam] is from the earth, earthy [made of dust];”
Re Chavah see Genesis 2:20 to 24 “20 And the man gave names to all the livestock, and to the birds of the air, and to every animal of the field; but for Adam there was not found a helper [that was] suitable (a companion) for him. 21 So the Yah the Eternally Self-Existing Almighty {LORD God} caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and while he slept, He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. 22 And the rib which Yah the Eternally Self-Existing Almighty {LORD God} had taken from the man He made (fashioned, formed) into a woman, and He brought her and presented her to the man. 23 Then Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.” 24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. 25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed or embarrassed.” (Amplified Bible name adjusted).
Note that in the first Creation the wife of Adam was Lilith, also created from the dust of the Earth, who quickly fell away after Satan and was rejected necessitating Yah to create Chavah {Eve} from the rib of Adam.
It is fundamentally CRITICAL to understand that Yahooshua was and is 100% human.If he were NOT entirely human he would have had NO authority when he walked the Earth and he would have NO authority today.He could ONLY do what he did because he was entirely human!This gives us a basis to hope to live life without sin AND to perform GREATER works than Yahooshua performed – in other words to follow his example whereby he exemplifies the WAY to deep personal relationship with Yah.
- Truth 4 -- Anointed -- filled with Spirit of Yah
Yahooshua was Anointed with the Spirit of Yah, the Almighty Creator – THAT is what “Christ” actually means, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-to-christians and other articles cited above.
The word “Christ” in theso-called “New Testament” is an inaccurate rendering of about four DIFFERENT Greek words all of which are inaccurate translations of the Hebrew “Meshach” meaning “Anointed with the Spirit of the Almighty Creator” – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-five-big-lies-about-jesus
When Yahooshua was immersed {Baptized} in the Jordan River by Yahoochanan the Immerser {John the Baptist} the Spirit of Yah came upon him and filled him, see Luke 3:21 to 22 “21 Now when all the people were baptized, Yahooshua {Jesus} was also baptized, and while He was praying, the [visible] heaven was opened, 22 and the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came from heaven, “You are My Son, My Beloved, in You I am well-pleased and delighted!”” – it was this Spirit of the Almighty, the portion set aside for true Believers, that equipped Yahooshua to perform miracles and speak in the Name of the Almighty.
This same Set-Apart Spirit is available to EVERY Believer who asks for it and these same miracles are available to be performed by EVERY Believer who seeks that power, refer to the articles on Revival https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/revival-revisited and also the collection of “Important Videos” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch see also https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/how-to-become-an-anointed-one
Note that where Yah says “my Beloved Son” this is NOT in a sexually created sense it is in the same sense.Yahooshua is a Son of Yah in EXACTLY the SAME way that Adam was a Son of Yah, Luke 3:38 “the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of the Almighty {God}.” In the SAME way ALL human beings are “sons of Yah” – created in His image! So, as Believers we are accustomed to refer to Yah as “Father” which, by implication means that one is a “Son” or “Daughter” of Yah.
- Truth 5 -- Lived Life without sin and that gave him power over the Satanic and Demonic
The MOST SIGNIFICANT truth about Yahooshua which is grossly understated is that he lived his ENTIRE LIFE and died WITHOUT committing a single Sin.
He achieved this because coming to Earth with full knowledge of the ways of Satan he was able to resist the Satanic and Demonic Realm AND because he was born of a pure Virgin with NO father he did NOT inherit any blood line curses or Demons.
This fundamentally allowed him to have victory over Satan and REGAIN the authority that Adam lost and gave to Satan.Thus ANY Believer who lives a life free of sin and believes in the authority of Yahooshua will have the FULL AUTHORITY of Yahooshua over the Satanic and Demonic Realm – see Matthew 28:18-19a “18 Then Yahooshua came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19a Therefore go…”
Thus if YOU are an Anointed, Spirit Filled Believer FREE OF SIN then YOU have full authority over the Forces of Darkness and Father EXPECTS you to exercise that authority in the name of Yahooshua to tear down Principalities, Powers, Thrones and Dominions, heal the sick, raise the dead, walk on water, speak on His behalf and generally do battle with the Satanic and Demonic Realm.
Realize that if you are worshipping Jesus, calling him Jesus, calling Father God and The LORD, working on Saturday, observing Christmas, Easter, Halloween then YOU are full of sin and have NO authority or only pseudo authority as the Satanic and Demonic realm deliver counterfeits to make you THINK you are exercising authority! Note that this status changed in 2003 in preparation for Satan to be cast into the Pit for 1,000 years – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/satan-to-pit-2003
To reiterate -- THE GREATEST MIRACLE of Yahooshua was to live life and die a terrible death without sinning at all! Had he NOT accomplished this his life and death would have been of no effect! THIS is what enabled him to become an offering for sin, to become our High Priest, to become the Firstborn from the Dead, to become King of Human Kings, to have authority over Satan, etcetera, etcetera!
Note that it IS available to EVERY Believer to live a life without sin and exercise authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm.
- Truth 6 -- Offering for sin
As stated above, by living life and dying free of Sin Yahooshua thereby became a proxy for the spotless lamb or goat of the sin offering given by Moshe {Moses}By his sinless blood falling on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant he fulfilled the requirements for a sin offering for all time and made this available to ALL who Believe, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/the-five-big-lies-about-jesus
He assigned his body to the Bread of the Covenant meal and his Blood to the wine of the Covenant meal thereby providing every true Believer with a simple, convenient and readily available offering for sin that allows us to instantly REPENT and receive FORGIVENESS.
It is VITAL to understand that if Yahooshua had NOT lived and died without committing a single sin his blood would avail NOTHING.
It is also important to understand that EVERY individual Believer is free to take the Bread and Wine at ANY time WITHOUT an officiating Priest, it is a LIE that you can only take Communion in Church.IF you Believe you can take it any time you desire!
- Truth 7 -- First born from the dead -- massive authority, powers, etcetera
Because Yahooshua had lived without committing a single sin Death had NO authority over him and so when he died he was immediately resurrected and admitted to Heaven where he received his rewards for his sinless life and death.This reward involved massive authority, huge supernatural powers, the seat at the Right Hand of the Father for Eternity, the most powerful Created Being in all of Creation, etcetera!
So Yahooshua can manifest anywhere in the world at any time and in MULTIPLE locations simultaneously, he can converse with multiple people simultaneously and this is ALL supernatural power that he was awarded for his obedience and specifically his life WITHOUT sin.This leads people who encounter him to believe that his is the Almighty but this is NOT the case, this is a consequence of the gifts that he received because of his life on Earth.
I sincerely hope that as you read this article you will fully understand the importance of living life without sin!
- Truth 8 – Prophetic actions and words enabled various legal powers and other authorities
Yahooshua’s position as King, as Priest, as offering for sin, etcetera were ALL accomplished by means of Prophetic (Inspired) acts and words spoken over him at various times and particularly when he was being beaten, tortured and ridiculed, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death for a detailed discussion of all of these actions.
- Truth 9 -- Seated at Right Hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool so that he can return as King in 3003
After his death Yahooshua immediately entered Heaven and as a reward for living and dying victoriously over sin he was rewarded with the Highest Throne in Heaven at the Right Hand of the Almighty Creator, see Mark 16:19 “So then, when the Adonai {Lord} Yahooshua {Jesus} had spoken to them, He was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of the Almighty {God}.”
See also Psalm 110:1 ““Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The LORD} says to my Adonai {Lord}, “Sit at My right hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet [subjugating them into complete submission].”” Note that since ALL authority on Earth is delegated to Human Beings as discussed above ONLY Humans can make Yahooshua’s enemies a footstool for his feet – that means you and I, ALL who truly Believe MUST take authority over the Forces of Darkness and defeat them. Fundamentally that means we MUST live without Sin and when we DO slip we must immediately go to Father, repent and take the Bread and Wine! See https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-cleansing-and-deliverance and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-regarding-prayer
In considering this it is vital to understand that Satan was condemned to 1,000 years in the Pit for his sins on 3 May 2003 https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/satan-to-pit-2003 refer also Revelation 20:3 “and the Messenger {angel} hurled him into the abyss, and closed it and sealed it above him [preventing his escape or rescue], so that he would no longer deceive and seduce the nations, until the thousand years were at an end. After these things he must be liberated for a short time.”
Note that in his absence the Earth is ruled by a Junta of Seven Demonic Masterminds, see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-satanic-and-demonic and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/demonic-masterminds-direct
During the thousand years the Believers must REIGN on Earth with the Spirit of the Almighty, see Revelation 20:4. Note that this verse in virtually all Bible translations states “reigned with Christ for a thousand years” – in this verse “Christ” accurately translated reads “reigned with the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah for a thousand years”!
So, fundamentally Yahooshua is WAITING for us who Believe to take authority over the Forces of Darkness and make a way for Yahooshua to return. IF we do NOT make his enemies his footstool Yahooshua will NOT return and Satan will reign on Earth for Eternity!
It is important to understand that because of the LIE that “Christ” is synonymous with “Jesus” almost all Christians interpret the above passage as “reigned with Jesus for a thousand years” which gives rise to the LIE that “Jesus is coming soon”!
Clearly Yahooshua is NOT coming soon, he is waiting for us Believers to reign for a thousand years and pave the way for him to return and FUNDAMENTALLY reigning with the Spirit of Yah relates to living WITHOUT SIN”
So, what are YOU going to do about this?
See the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to Yah at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close for guidance on cleaning up your life and also the article “What is required to live ABOVE Sin” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/what-is-required-to-live-above-sin
I hope that after reading this article you have a much clearer idea of who Yahooshua is, what he accomplished and what he expects YOU to do.
You might want to pray “Father Yah, I recognize that I have believed lies about Yahooshua and NOT understood the powerful truths set out here. I repent and ask you to forgive me in the name of Yahooshua. Thank you for forgiving me.” – take the bread and wine as soon as possible and pray the prayer given in the articles on Prayer and on Cleansing.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
05 November 2022
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* Words in curly brackets {xxx} are words which are commonly used but technically incorrect. Some of these words are simply incorrect, others like “God”, “the LORD”, “Jesus” are abominations in the sight of the Almighty Creator which He has, in His mercy tolerated up to now but for which grace has now been withdrawn – see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-names
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Last Friday’s broadcast -- The Essence of my message regarding Prayer
Over the years I have written a significant amount regarding Prayer and published significant lists of prayers as evidenced on the “Prayer” webpage. It therefore seemed appropriate to consolidate all of these writings into one coherent teaching aligned with my present understanding. Hence this teaching.
Audio in DropBox:
Back issues of broadcasts at:
Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/relationship-with-creator/id1447290561
Audible https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Relationship-with-Creator-Podcast/B08JK2WLHN
Podchaser https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/relationship-with-creator-772533
See also:
The biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers see https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/biggest-error-crippling-mature-anointed-believers
YouTube Why Seek Relationship: https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U
YouTube on Global Flood: http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood
Copyright: You are free to use this material any way you choose subject only to consideration of what you will face on the Day of your Judgment.

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